The challenge…
Gwen, a 75 year old lady, lives alone in a retirement village and has smoked around 20 cigarettes a day, all her life. Her daughter and GP had been trying for years to help her quit smoking, but she always ended up having the odd cigarette before returning to her 20 a day.
Our support…
This time Gwen wanted to do it for herself, so she contacted Reed Wellbeing to see if we could help. While waiting for our call, she asked her daughter to buy her some patches and lozenges, which she used regularly, but again carried on having the odd cigarette each day.
With our support and encouragement, alongside the right medication, Gwen succeeded as she overcame her biggest hurdle - believing that she could finally stop smoking for good.
We prescribed 24-hour patches and stronger lozenges, along with ongoing weekly support calls over a 12 week period to help keep Gwen on track.
I cannot believe how easy I’ve found this, my daughter is completely in shock, I have not had 1 single cigarette since the medication arrived! The weekly calls really help but even if a thought popped into my head, I just popped a lozenge in my mouth.
Our What happened…
Gwen is off all the medication, having reached her 12 week quit, and now never gives smoking a thought. She’s very happy that she can treat herself to new clothes or a meal out with the extra money she's saved.
Her daughter finally believes that she’s quit and has noticed that her flat no longer smells of smoke. As a surprise, her daughter arranged for it to be decorated and is getting her some new curtains. Gwen says she’s proud of herself and feels so much better that she will never smoke again.
Get in touch to discuss how we can support your health and wellbeing challenges.