The challenge...
“I've had a weight problem all my life”, said Deborah. “I love food and - believe me - ate lots. After trying every diet going, I decided in 2021 something had to change so I started to change my way of eating and lost 3.5 stone. However, in June 2023 I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, and I was devastated, as my mum had lost a leg due to this disease and I saw her go through so much with it. She was 62 when she died.
Our support...
“When I was offered a place on the programme, I thought - ‘why not?’. Although it's been extremely hard, the team at T2DR help you to focus on other things like exercise and not thinking about food all the time. The support I've had from the Health Coaches has been great, going each week to talk about how the changes have begun to make you feel, and I’ve been given advice on coping mechanisms too.
My results since joining have been wonderful. The biggest thing for me now is that my blood levels have reduced to 49, so hopefully I will be in remission soon. My blood pressure is coming down and of course I've lost weight which is great.
What happened...
“It's totally changed how I think about food and the amount I'm eating. My dad always used to say to me ‘Debbie, moderation’ and I wish I has listened, as it's so true! Healthier You has taught me how to make the right choices, and if I want to eat something as a treat, I can. Since the programme, I now feel I have the right mind set and skills. A massive thank you to Health Coach Mark, for all the support!”